Ageing workforce towards an active retirement (AWARE)

The AWARE project aims to develop an effective solution at a European level for the social inclusion of 63 million elderly people and to prepare 38 million elderly workers in their transition to retirement.


The AWARE project seeks to give skills in the use of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) so as to have a basis for social participation and an ICT tool that may help the social integration of both groups to foster active ageing and combat the consequences that can appear after retirement such as depression, loneliness and isolation.

In order to achieve the project’s aims and meet the related social challenges, the problem must be dealt with in such a way that it ensures the sustainability of the process. This process must begin by training in the use of ICTs and end by using the platform to enable elderly people’s social participation, social networking and “e-inclusion” via ICTs, as shown in the following diagram:



The main aim of the AWARE project is to develop a social network set up on an online platform that provides innovative services to elderly workers and retired people, contributing to social integration and EU policies aimed at ageing in society and supporting companies in dealing with the needs arising from ageing in the working population.

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Collaborating companies



Elderly people


Instituto de Biomecánica (España)


Calvet, Vila & Arriaga Consulting, S.L. (España)

Ayuntamiento de Gandía (España)

Unión Democrática de Pensionistas y Jubilados de España (España)

Media Touch (Italia)

Milecastle Consulting (Reino Unido)

Institute of Ergonomics (Darmstadt University of Technology) (Alemania)

Duration and reference no.

Start date: 01-07-2010
End date: 31-07-2012
Project reference no.: AAL-2009-2-136

Project co-funded by the member organisations of the Ambient Assisted Living programme (in Spain, the Carlos III Institute of Health and the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade) and by the European Commission.


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